What food make me hornier?
What food makes me hornier?
There are many reasons why a couple or individual may be having sexual difficulties or a poor libido. Issues relating to health, depression, erectile dysfunction, stress, hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep, and the list goes on. Viagra and several other medications have helped these issues for many people but unfortunately, there is no magic cure for erectile dysfunction.
That isn't to say there aren't any natural resources that may help boost your libido.
What if we were to say that studies and research have shown that certain natural foods can be a helping hand in the low libido issue. Yes, that’s right. Food. Now food doesn't completely cure these issues, but let’s look at some of the foods and how they can help.
Dark Chocolate
Yes ladies, we know you love to hear this one! Who doesn't love chocolate especially when its consumed as part of your foreplay. Chocolate produces a chemical called Theobromine as well as serotonin which both are a mood booster and can help with your libido. Dark chocolate is also shown to help erection problems by helping to increase blood flow and circulation.
Spinach contains a rich amount of magnesium and nitrates which both help open up blood vessels and help increase blood flow. Greens like Spinach also contain high levels of Minerals and Vitamins particularly vitamins A and E that help regulate mood and can help increase the libido.
This food has always had a reputation for helping in the bedroom. Producing a high level of the mineral zinc, which helps with increasing testosterone which is a common reason for erectile issues.
Watermelon contains an antioxidant known as Phytonutrients which helps relax the blood vessels that support the erection. Watermelons also contain an amino acid called I-citrulline which also helps dilate blood vessels which helps the blood flow to the sex organs.
With having Vitamin B6, minerals and healthy fats for the heart and energy, Avocados are a must have if looking for some libido help. Vitamin B6 helps for energy and keeps the sex drive up.
High testosterone usually leads to a higher sex drive so this fruit is great for you. Bananas naturally contain bromelain which helps produce testosterone. On top of that bananas also contain bufotenine, a chemical that helps to increase happiness and sex drive.
Staying on the fruit train this is another one to add to the list. Strawberries have a high amount of vitamin C, raising your sperm count and energy and folic acid which acts like antioxidants boosting blood flow to your sexual organs.
These are only a few examples of food groups helping your libido. There are lots more out there to add to your shopping list. Keeping these foods nonprocessed and natural can help maximize these benefits, as processed foods can negatively affect your libido. Even though these foods aren’t the main solutions to the libido cure, they can certainly help. So next time you’re thinking of a sexy night with your partner, go ahead and start the day off right...in the kitchen.
Happy Shopping!